Faculty Expertise
Faculty Expertise
International Law
发布者:戴昕 发布时间:2019-10-14 浏览次数:745

The Law School hosts a leading international law program in the Law of the Sea, specializing in particular in issues relating to the Arctic and Antarctic regions. The team includes top experts who constantly provide consultation services to the government’s decision makers.

Core faculty:

Professor Liu Huirong (International Law, Arctic Law)

Professor Bai Jiayu (International Law, Law of the Sea, Arctic Law)

Associate Professor Dong Yue (International Law, Artic Law)

Associate Professor Ma Yanqiu (Maritime Law)

Assistant Professor Cao Yawei (International Economic Law)

Assistant Professor Chen Yitong (International Law, Law of the Sea, Arctic Law)

Assistant Professor Wang Jinpeng (International Law, International Environmental Law)

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